Timeless, will still be playable in 50 years time!

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 GBA
Playing this as a Kid was, from my limited memory a fantastic point in my life, the sense of scale portrayed even back then was brilliant and it was such a colourful world, with creative characters and a sense of just pure brilliance throughout, so with it coming to hanndheld years later just how well did it hold up?

The answer is simply flawlessly, the game is still a joy to play and somehow it still feels fresh somehow even after all these years, the soundtrack is correct and still catchy, the sound effect suitably tweaked yet still in the original midi format, and yet this game still proves a challenge.

As you battle through the worlds and its vast amount of levels you cant help but appreciate a game this big still being this fun, and not once during the lenghty game did I feel bored, which many games of today strugle to do, which is a True testament to a game that was released whilst most of the developers of today was either still pre-teens or on their way to college!

Super Mario world will still be playable into the distant future, and that truly is a great thing to behold long after call of duty and the other games of today pass into distant memory.