I've been playing games for thirty years, and there aren't many games that have frustrated me this much, but at the same time sucked me into playing it for hours, thinking to myself, "Just one more try." It's extremely satisfying when you finally do beat that level that drove you nuts enough to keep playing it when you've already died 25 times. I must have died 40 or 50 times in the first boss battle, but I was elated when I saw that stupid evil chainsaw machine explode.
This game is just simply amazing in it's creative level design. If you're up for a challenge, and are willing to spend a lot of time honing your skills to get through the really difficult levels, the amount of fun you will have playing this game is limitless. This game is well worth the purchase, and is easily one of the best, if not THE best Xbox Live Arcade Game. If you enjoy platformers, you owe it to yourself to download the trial version. I usually avoid really hard games, but this game was so much fun that I made the purchase after playing the trial game. It's positive reviews are very deserving, and it is well worth your time.