One of the hottest games of '94. Super Metroid is the third installment of the Metroid series.

User Rating: 9.4 | Super Metroid SNES
One of the hottest games of '94. Super Metroid is the third installment of the Metroid series. This game had everything Metroid and Metroid 2: Return of Samus had and more. This Metroid game was a BIG improvement in the series and may very well be the best in the series. Since it was on the SNES the game was a classic 2-D platform. This game raised the bar for 2-D platforms with spectacular graphics, sounds, game play, and soundtrack. The story line was a repeat of the first Metroid game but had new twists in it. Since this was the third installment in the series it happens immediately after Metroid 2: Return of Samus. One of the most interesting parts of the game was the fight against Ridley at the very beginning. New Items were added to the game, like the grappling hook, and Samus learned some new moves as well, such as the wall jump. Overall this game is an instant classic.