I've never been to the Metroid series, from Nintendo I really like Mario, Zelda and Donkey Kong, but Metroid never appealed to me, which is strange since I really like Castlevania and both have their similarities, of course it's a theme of vampire in ancient times and another is spatial, but both have always had areas to explore and are games that huge influences, so much that calls up the genre of Metroidvania. but even though I was not a fan of the series, Super Metroid surprised me a lot at the time I played, and I went to rejoice and enjoyed it as much as before, good gameplay, good graphics for the season, a big map to explore, challenging and complicated boss, game that is fun and has aged very well and has Samus one of the most striking and influential characters of the games and if not the biggest character of the games (ta in my top 3 along with Jill Valentine and Lara Croft). Note 89
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