the greatest metroid game in existance thats a major yes

User Rating: 9.7 | Super Metroid SNES
yes this is the greatest metroid game ever created it is huge for a snes game and u will be happy to buy it for 800 points soon on ur wii.
clasic doesnt even sum up what this game is.

gigantic 2d world
samus oh yeah
a lot of suit upgrades beutiful 16 bit graphics sound is up there next to great
a metroid game is a pro in my opinon if its metroid it has already succeeded in a high score.
it is a must have clasic game on ur wii give it its own channel spot now cause ur gonna be playing it awhile unless u speed run.

what cons lol its true well the controls could hav eused some work but thats it just the controls but ull get use to them

difficulty just right for me to a new player i say hard uses lot of strategy during boss fights.
learning curve about 15 mins learn the controls it is pretty hard when u fight a boss fight the first 2 mins in the game becarful u may get owned by ridley.
a lot of time spent i cant give u exact but i can tell u over 100 hours
clasification best in the series
and a score of 9.7 but thats for the controls over all the rest is good.