A good game for the Virtual Wii (or Snes) and "the all" of Sidescrollers, you can't go wrong getting this!
The game play is amazing. I prefer side scrolling over the new primes, but that is just me. The wall jumping is a bit glitchy, but other than that it is perfect. You will come to find out the easy game play will make this game very addictive--you won't want to quit until it is beat.
Second... Graphics:
Okay okay, I know this isn't gamecube graphics, but if you're buying this for the wii, you know it is a classic. Also, if you're playing the Snes, you know what to expect. The graphics are stunning for their time, this game was nearly (if not) 15+ years old, and back then these were stunning. The Snes was doubled in resolution what the Nes was, and this is one of the examples.
The bad:
I could not give this game a 10 because:
-It was short, took 7hours to beat. They intended for you to beat it ~5 times to get all endings + 100%, etc, but I'm not really into that. I beat it once then I'm done, so this was short... though I got 78% and 7hrs, which wasn't too bad.
-Glitches. There are a few glitches. I.e the power beam glitch, wall jump, etc that are very annoying, and some beneficial.
All in all, I give it a 9.0. It is worth ~8dollars to play, because you'll find yourself beating it multiple times over and over (I'm sure I'll play it again)