User Rating: 9.5 | Super Metroid SNES
Not so long ago i bought 1000 points for vc games. I was planning to buy a n64 game, but then i heard good things about a game called Super Metroid. Well, because i believe crtics and reviews, i bought it with no hesitation, was it worth it? YESS!!! As soon as i played it, it was like playing metroid prime in 2D! The experience was just insane! The graphics, gameplay, sound holds up well to this day. And the lasting appeal is very long, you can beat the game once with out even exploring or getting items, it will last you easily more the 10 hours. However, you can also speed run the game for the best endings or even get 100% completion. The graphics still holds up till this day, it is easily one of the most beautiful looking snes game. And the gameplay, it uses the awesome metroid formula, you are samus aran and you are alone in a alien world trying to destroy evil. If, you are hesitating to get this near perfect games, don't, even the gamecube controller works fine thanks the manual button mapping option.