Super Metroid is a must have for the Virtual console!! Why?? Do you even have to ask that question?

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Metroid SNES
My passed endeavor have exposed my feelings towards the Super Nintendo. Since I never bought a SNES all these great experiences have long been awaiting. I find it kind of funny that I consider myself a "hardcore" gamer even though I never player Link to the Past or Super Metroid. Regardless, my feelings towards the Genesis have changed slightly; but most importantly I feel that the SNES does have some of greatest games ever created!!

Story: After extinguishing the Metroids on their home planet of SR-388 in Metroid II: Return of Samus, bounty hunter Samus Aran brings the last surviving Metroid larva to the Ceres Space Colony. There, scientists conduct research on the larva and reach the conclusion that the powers of Metroids could be harnessed for the benefit of mankind. Confident that things are in order, Samus leaves Ceres in search of a new bounty to hunt. However, shortly after leaving, Samus picks up a distress call from Ceres and returns to investigate. As Samus explores the space colony, she is attacked by the dragon-like Ridley. Samus and Ridley engage in battle, but Ridley soon flies off with the larva in his talons. At the same time, a countdown sets off for the self-destruction of the space colony and Samus has 60 seconds to return to her gunship. After which Samus follows Ridley to the planet Zebes and the party gets started. Like every great Nintendo franchise the story is simple but extremely sweet. In this game especially, the users combat has some direct correlation with the adventure elements which in turn grant the continued story.

Graphics: Super Metroid is still one of the coolest looking games ever created. The sprites are so big and perfectly designed that going around killing everything in site is kind of a same. The environments are colorful and unique and Samus has the best design ever!! I love 2D games and this is one of the best.

Sound: The soundtrack in this game flows between remixes of the original Metroid games to the create of some new melodies. To me the test comes in the users ability to remember which area had the correlating verse. So if you find yourself humming Metroids opening theme or that recognizable melody that plays every time you re-enter the game through a save point. I think it's safe to say the music is memorable. The sound effects are sweet and do provide that extra level of immersion to the game. Everything just sounds right, from Samus' grappling hook to bomb.

Gameplay: Ok gameplay, in this review I wanted to save the gameplay section for last because even though every aspect of Super Metroid is great nothing can really hold a candle to the gameplay. First let me start by saying that I absolutely suck at Metroid games. I have beating every Mario game except for Super Mario Bros 2(American Version). I have beaten just about every Zelda game but up until Super Metroid I had never beaten a Metroid game. My problem and I hear that most people complain about this as well is the adventure aspect of game. So, let me break it into two main sections:
Action Gameplay~, Adventure Gameplay~.

Action~ Metroid is a 2D side scrolling action adventure game. Even though this game is flat essentially, you still manage to have full control of Samus. She can shot in every major direction; when it comes to the design aspect of the combat everything seems perfect. The flow of combat is smooth and always gives you something fun to do. Personally, I think of the combat in Metroid games to be a filler; but not a bad filler, the type of filling that makes you want more and more. As I said before, the great controls conjoint with amazing collision detection and great pacing equals fantastic action elements.

Adventure Gameplay~ The adventure element is the same as every Metroid game. Samus has to explore the environment to find new weapons and abilities to help her unlock new areas of the world. This obviously brings me to backtracking. Now I don't hate backtracking, and the backtracking that is involved in this game is easy to understand. I think people have a problem with backtracking when the design tries to essential hide things from the user. Instead of helping the players; the designer is trying to keep things from him/her which leads to an inevitably stuck gamer. I personally cannot stand being stuck in a game. It's absolutely the worst feeling possible and I personally don't know who to blame. Is it the game designer or me?? In most cases, it's just me and my careless ways but sometimes designers get lazy as well and don't really proved any sort of information. In Super Metroid I got stuck once but later found out my problem. This is what makes the adventure elements so great; nothing is to obvious but the designers never directly try holding your hand. Like for example, I just got the awesomeness that is bioshock and as amazing as that game is the designer basically hold your hand by provide an arrow that takes you specifically to each goal. Now yes you can turn off the arrow or ignore it completely but why make it so obvious in the first place. Thats what love about old-school games like Metroid and Super Metroid. They just give you a world and some stuff and you have to figure it out on your own. I know that it can be frustrating but at the end of the day I would rather be treated like an adult with some brain power as oppose to a child that needs to have his/her hand held the entire time. Final Word: In the end, every aspect of Super Metroid is above average. The gameplay is perfect, the graphics are still unbelievable and the sound effects and soundtrack is memorable. The only aspect that wasn't completely above average is the story but what is there is enough for me at least. If you were a child of the Genesis and not the SNES like I was you need to do yourself a favor and play this game completely to truly understand the amazingness that you missed as a child. I believe that you can get any type of game experience at any time. You don't need to be a child to enjoy this game and seeing how it is one of the greatest games of all time; being able to experience it for 8 bucks on a perfect emulator like the Wii is easily worth the price. It took me around 10 hours to beat but I can guarantee that I will end up beating this game a dozen more times since its so awesome and addicting.