Definitely worth the 800 pts. Stacks up pretty well to nostalgia, but worth playing if you've never tried it before.

User Rating: 8.5 | Super Metroid SNES
If memory serves, and it does, this is a terrific game. I've played this when it was first released. As a matter of fact, I remember buying it on the day it was released. It was and awesome game then and a terrific game now. Nostalgia doesn't poison this game as it does with others. All it does with Super Metroid, is to remind us that this was/is one of Nintendo's golden titles. I must say, this game is still my favorite of the series.
The learning curve is mere minutes, but the replayability is forever. As for 16-bit titles are concerned, this one still stacks up well against time and other titles. The music is not overwhelming, but appropriate. The music sets a wonderful tone throughout the game and adds to full immersion.
Frankly, if you're bored and need a new game to play, this is it. And if you haven't downloaded yet, you have no excuse not to (unless you don't have the $$$ and come on, it's change!).