Not only is it the best side-scroller game ever, it's also the best Wii game you will ever buy!
User Rating: 10 | Super Metroid SNES
The original Super Metroid was released in 1994. It was the best game ever considered by millions, i have to agree with them. Back then it was the best looking SNES game, nowaday's its not better than a GBA advance game, but that doesn't mean it's not fun! The storyline is excellent, it takes place right after metroid 2: return of samus, after defeating the queen metroid and heading back to her ship, she's stopped by a baby metroid that follows her like a confused child, for people who've never played metroid 2, its okay, the intro video will fill you in. The controls are nice slick, easy to pick, thye visuals are nice and sharp, it's a great looking game (to me that is) and the music is also great as well, it really gives you the feel of a metroid game. For only 800 wii points ($8) it's a must buy to metroid fans, or anybody who's looking for a good game at a good price!