This is the pinnacle of 2D gaming and one of the best, if not the best game on the Virtual Console

User Rating: 8.5 | Super Metroid SNES
It is about time that Nintendo made this game available again. This game was great back in '94 and still is an absolute blast to play today. If you never got chance to play this game then it is an absolute must that you download this classic from the VC. Super Metroid is far better than the original and never gives you a dull moment throughout. You will constantly be discovering new items and fighting screen sized bosses. All the classic Metroid items are in this game. Nintendo really went to the next level in the clever ways that these items are hidden throughout. Trust me you will have a very difficult time finding all the hidden items the first time through this game. The game is not terribly long, it will take anywhere from 10 to 12 hours if you have never played the game before. I really think by the game not being terribly long really adds good replay value and also like I said before doesn't allow for any dull moments. The graphics hold up very nicely today and the sound in this game is excellent. Gameplay is fun and and the controls are implemented well into the gameplay. There are a few frustrating platform sections. The wall jump, super bounce, grenade bounce, and jumping while in speed boost all take a little practice. So basically any time Samus' feet leave the ground besides the regular jump will take some getting used to. There are probably a dozen boss fights in this game, five of which are what I would call main boss fights. While I found most to be fairly easy they were all really cool to experience. Like with all other Metroid's this game doesn't have much of a story. You really won't care that much because the action is always evolving that a story could almost slow down the excellent pacing this game achieves. Overall if you want excellent gameplay mixed with a wonderful sense of discovery and a game that offers the best 2D action available then you will want to download Super Metroid for a measly 800 Wii points. If you don't like all of that stuff then you probably will never read this because you don't like video games.