Must have vc

User Rating: 10 | Super Metroid SNES
Every videogaming characteristic was solidly achieved in the game at it's time:

The graphics were (and still are) a reference on two dimensional gaming. There was a diversity of discrete special effects throughout the game that made the scenario come to life (the rain on Crateria, the fluent way every movement is performed, the bats on the dark that fly away when you approach them, and so on).

The music... it is indescribable. Besides the obvious excellent quality of the soundtrack, the intriguing melodies and the melancholic tunes, there is the fact that it suits the game's ambient in perfect harmony. It is probably the best fusion between visual and sound I have seen so far in a videogame.

And of course, as this wouldn't be enough, every other factor in the game is superb: great longevity, I remember it took me 12 hours to finish the game the first time (and this without the play time where I ended up dying, and is not taken in account), and I never got to finish it completely. The world is enormous, full with secrets everywhere. You might not play it right after you have finished, but you will for sure want to return to it after some months just to outperform your last try.
And the bosses... those beasts that filled half of the TV screen while you desperately tried to discover it's weak point are another trademark.

The gameplay was as good as it could get on that time. The game's mechanics were perfect on the SNES pad (and I'm sure they will be on the VC pad). Having a button configuration menu will even make the game playable on a Gamecube controller (although I really advise getting a classic pad).

I could write forever about it. I'm glad I played this game on my youth. For me, this was the game that marked me. I never played nothing like it since then, and I doubt I ever will, as my interest to videogames slowly diminishes.

For those who will play it for the first time, my only advise is not to get too carried away by the hype. Do not create exaggerated expectations. Instead, play it as you would do with another new game you do not know. It will surprise you.

It is a must download on the Wii's VC.