An overwhelming thrill-ride that shouldn't be missed, Super Metroid is what game developers can look up to for decades.

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Metroid SNES
This game came in the whaning years of the SNES when people were already looking forward to the Nintendo 64 and how it would revolutionize gaming itself. But Intelligent Systems decided instead of looking forward to the new 64-bit console, make a game that could show people 2D games are still awesome. The result? An absolute beast of the game.

Graphics: While the high polygon counts of todays video games look great, sometimes we just want to dive back into the ol' 16-bit wonder from back in the day. Super Metroid's graphics are THE best on the SNES. Period. The texturing and detail put into this game are absoltely incredible for 1994. The that when you first go into the Wrecked Ship, you notice tiny sparks coming out of broken cords and wires. When you freeze enemies with your ice beam, little fall from them. I could go on and on...

Sound/Audio:The musical score is mezmerizing. It really takes you into the planet Zebes, and is filled with some unforgettable themes from different parts of Zebes. Also the sound of simple things like shooting open a door or blasting through an enemy sound very immersive. The thing is that the musical score and just general audio is so scary, when you go into a boss fight, it's not the boss that scares you. It's the music and the sound of their cries.

Gameplay: Ah, the most important part of all games. Fortunetly for us, the gameplay in this game outstanding. The amount of weapons and upgrades availible to you is overwhelming. You got Hi-Jump Boots,space Jump, Charge Beam, over 4 different types of beams. Of course, every game has it's flaws. Super Metroid is no different. The controls are a bit awkward at the beginning of the game, but figure out that it fits the game well. Another problem is that the game is a bit short by my standards, but it's still long enough to play and enjoy enormously.

All in all, this is a game that should be played at least once over by all gamers, young and old. Older gamers will get a kick out of playing this old-school game, while younger gamers will learn that some of the best games of all time are in good old-fashioned 2D.