After more than a decade Super Metroid is still one of the best games out there. Simply put its a must have.
Graphics: Obviously the graphics are dated, lets not forget that this is a 13 year old game, but the visual design is still good, the enemies, bosses and Samus herself are nicely animated. there is some brief slowdown at times but it wont last more than a few seconds and wont happen often. 8/10
Sound: The world of Zebes is a very erie place, thanks in no small part to the music, its subtle in scary areas, it becomes dramatic in boss battles and, upon obtaining upgrades plays the classic discovery theme. The sound effects are also good, such as the sound of your weapons and of course the roaring noises the bosses tend to make when you hit them. My only complaint here is that a second sound effect will cancel out the first one, try repeatedly pushing the fire button and you will see what I mean.
Gameplay: This is where the game shines, the gameplay, no matter what controler type you use the game controls very tightly, the level design is, as ussual, brilliant. In typical Metroid fashion you will gain abilities and upgrades at a fast rate that increase your ability to explore the world. Add in some great boss fights, some fun sequences with the grapple beam, the incentive to play through the game again to find more powerups and finish the game faster and you have an amazing game, one that feels very much like a Metroid game, and I mean that in the best possible way.
Now for the good, and the bad
+Sharp control helps you navigate the complex world of Zebes
+Intense boss fights
+Good sountrack
+Outstanding gameplay
+The grapple beam
+Lots of lasting appeal and replay
+Strong presentation
+A great value for $8
-Some audio glitches
-A little short
-Final boss is a bit to easy, even if it is dramatic
As for the recomendation: Unless you absolutly hate the Metroid Side Scroller games this is a must have game, one I can easily reccomend to anyone.