one of the best games on the super nintendo is now on the wii virtual console.

User Rating: 10 | Super Metroid SNES
metroid prime is a great game, one of the highlights of the gamecube, but honestly it's no match for super metroid on the super nintendo. sm is 2d action/platforming at its best; it took the already stellar metroid franchise and perfected it.

gameplay- super metroid plays pretty much the same as the other 2d games in the series, which in my opinion is superior to their 3d counterparts. samus handles perfectly in both the action and platforming aspects of the game. one thing to note: the controls are a little awkward with the gamecube controller, fortunately the classic controller handles just like it did on the snes.

graphics and sound- both worthy of a ten if for no other reason than for how well they work together. they create a dark, ominous atmosphere that holds up against any modern game. i'm not suggesting it's a horror game, but it's quite successful at giving the player the feeling of samus' isolation on an eerie alien world.

value-eight bucks for one of the greatest games ever; can't go wrong there.

tilt- this was one of my favorite games when it came out in 94 and it still is 13 years later. if you've never played it before and you have a wii, this is a must have entry on the virtual console.