This game ruled my early childhood.
User Rating: 9.6 | Super Metroid SNES
Super Metroid is one of the greatest games of all time. It was deeper than most other plat-formers. Super Metroid started off intense, encountering the massive dragon, Ridley, and after defeating him, having to escape from the soon-to-explode star ship. After this, you just knew the game was going to be great. Super Metroid was amazing. It progressed oddly as you slowly upgraded your weapons and armor and you made your way through the game's immense areas while encountering many, diverse enemies and bosses. The graphics weren't top-notch for its era, but they were still decent. The music and sound were very erie and reminisceint of science fiction, andit fit the game perfectly.
Super Metroid is definitely a game to always remember, as it is the predecessor to all of its other respectable sequels, like the Gamecube's stunning Metroid Prime.