As the best game of 1994, and the best snes game ever, Super Metroid dares you to not play it, you can't resist though.

User Rating: 10 | Super Metroid SNES
Metroid was released in 1986, year beggining a new era of highly praised video games. Maetroid II was released in 1991. Both were not as good as this game. Where Samus has to face off Mother brain and rescue the last metroid larva of the galaxy. This game has a critic score of 9.6 and a use score of 9.5, sweet. That's because it's the hottest game of the year.

The graphics are one of the best of the year (2nd to DKC), offering what a masterpiece should offer; visuals. The sound, camera, and control are the best of the year as well. The music is widely the best in the entire series, and the difficulty, as some describe, is easy but it does offer lots of challenges.

The game is with out a doubt; the best Metroid game ever created! Super Metroid is an obvious masterpiece. As the best game of 1994, and the best snes game ever, Super Metroid dares you not to play it, you can't resist though.