Super Metroid is a true glimpse into greatness. It is embeded into gaming history as one of the best.

User Rating: 9.6 | Super Metroid SNES
Super Metroid was released in 94 for the SNES and still, is played by many today. It stands up to the test of time as one of the greatest games ever. Again u are Samus Aran a bounty hunter that works for the Galactic Federation. This game takes place after Metroid 2 where Samus was sent to the metroid's homeworld to exterminated them. She destroyed all but one and this one thought Samus was the mother. In Super Metroid. she brings it back to the Galactic Federation, but soon after she leaves she gets a distress signal from the research lab where she took the Metroid hatchling. When she returns to the base she finds Ridlely who steals the last metroid and runs away to the rebuilt space pirate base on Zebes. Now she must stop the Space Pirates from using the metroid as a weapon and harming the galaxy.

Graphics in this game were great. (For its time) Its probably the best 2D Metroid. The environment and surrounds are again amazing. From going into Hot lava filled Norfair into the rocky features of Crafteria and the watery area of Meridia. The backgrounds and areas keep u into the game guessing what world is coming next?

Gameplay is well in this game. Switching this is kinda hard since u have to press select to switch from missile, to super missile, to grapple beam and so on. As u go through the game u get different beams which stack up and make ur firepower increase and get to new areas and doors u couldent get into before. All the bosses in this game are well done. From the giant monster Karid, to the dragon Ridley and the ghost in the ship Phantom the boss fights are done well. Sound in this game is amazing. If u have ever played a metroid game before the music in this game is the best from all others. Once u go into a different area the music changes and it flows very well. For example u could be in a dark shaft and the music will resemble a creepy erie feeling of wonder. While in the lava area (Norfair), the music is uptempo and its a sense of urgency. Also when ur fighting a boss the music is dramatic and gets u into the fight. If u have a SNES this game is a must. The difficulty is hard and keeps u into the game. Trying to figure out all the puzzles and trying to find all the expansions is very challenging. Also once this game comes to the Wii VC I recommend to download it. Whether ur a fan of the metroid series or just new to the series. This game gives u a great story and sense of keeping going throughout the game. It dosen't slow down and is a classic in gaming history. It will be with many as one of the great games of our generation and will be known for many as a game that stands the test of time.