The ideas that you have in modern platformers were made 13 years ago. In this game..
Im just amazed
How could a super nintendo create such an amazing game like this? Well let me just tell you. This is one of the greatest games ever for its time!
Ok so as soon as you look at the game the graphics are stunning! The game is extremely colourful and the backgrounds and rain look great! The monsters look pretty realistic and your blasts and explosions look amazing. Excellent work
The gameplay in this game just rocks! You have many weapons and gadgets, Such as a bomb, missile, super missile, ability to go into a ball, cling onto walls with hook thing and theres so much more! There are so many great ideas here that have been put into modern games! Samus can run quite fast and you can shoot at 45 degree angles so its very easy to control. This is why the game is fun. But it is also an extremely difficult game!
The sound in the game is great! You hear explosions, rain, monsters and theres even some voice acting for such an old console! Wow!
Overall i think this is one of the best ever games on the Snes and could be a mario beater :P