Super Metroid is confusing at first, but when you get used to the wtf controls and massive world, you will get hooked ..

User Rating: 7.8 | Super Metroid SNES
Super Metroid was not that popular when it was released for the SNES. It is decently fun, it looks great, and it sound beutiful. Unfortunatly, it is very confusing at first, and it has easy bosses once you figure out your problems.

+Some of the greatest graphics for a side scrolling shooter.
+Great music
+Good, crisp sound
+Fun shooting
+F*cking big world for the SNES
-Confusing controls
-Easy bosses
-Level graphics are a little outdated
-Too hard to find good upgrades

Overall: 7.8/10
A worthy addition to a 2D fan's library with little important sacrifice.
Tip you need: Kill all the enimies you see if you need health or any item.