User Rating: 4.1 | Super Monkey Ball Adventure GC
The reason you should never even consider buying this is outlined below.

Not that that bad, but doesn't even try to push the capabilities of the cube at all.

Usually the most important part of a game, it fails miserably. The "adventure" is not an adventure, it tries to make it an adventure with little tasks or quests to perform, like an RPG. That doesn't make any sense but whatever. The tasks are not fun and the ones that are hard, are hard because of poor design, or bad control. Speaking of poor design, that sums up the actual stages that are the equivalent of the main mode in the previous games. They suffer from terrible design that makes even near the beginning, hard.

Bad music paired with no voices, just squealing and cheering. The sound sucks.

Terrible considering that you will not want to play adventure after a day or two and the puzzle stages like the originals are terribly designed. Also, the mini-games are plagued with horrible loading times. Like in Monkey Target, after each round it loads for longer than the actual round takes. The other games have the same issue of terrible loading. This game is not even worth rental.

Tilt: Terrible game, not original in any way, lacks good design.

Non-attribute scoring: The difficulty is Hard because some tasks are super easy, some are hard from poor design. The main puzzle stages are hard from bad design.10 hours or less because someone who played this game for more than ten hours im surprised you didn't strangle yourselves to death.0 to 30 because you get used to it as a whole, but the design doesn't let you actually get good at doing something.