Awesome main game, average party games
User Rating: 8 | Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz WII
Super monkey ball banana blitz is a game where you have to control a monkey in a ball over a stage with varying obstacles into a goal. In banana blitz rather than controlling the monkey you control the stage with the wiimote. If you turn the wiimote say to the right, you move the stage right and therefore your monkey moves to the right. The controls are strange and clumsy at first, but you soon get used to it and it becomes very fun. Super monkey ball is a very fun game and has many positives, however there are some aspects of the game that could've been done a lot better. Firstly the main game in Super monkey ball is very good. There are 8 worlds (2 unlockable). And while they start off very easy they soon become really difficult and frustrating near the end. The courses are mostly well designed and are pretty fun. Although some near the end are rediculously hard. So if you like a challenge this game will give you one. The main game is also a tad short if all you do is complete the 8 worlds, but if you want to collect all the bananas and if you want to unlock the last two courses which believe me is pretty difficult than the game has a lot of replay value. There is also a nice feature which lets you save a replay off a course you did. Its not a major feature but its a nice add on. Ok now onto the minigames. Well lets just say the quality is wildly inconsistent. Around half of them control well, while the other half of them are virtually uncontrollable. And while half of them control well and are fun, they are often quite shallow meaning you probably won't be coming back to them. To me the minigames were a let down. Some of them were great like monkey wars and racing and some of them seemed like last minute add ons like frog leap. It would've been better had they erased all the pointless ones and used the time to improve on the good minigames and the main game. The graphics were very colourful and easy on the eye. The monkeys and world got a completely new artstyle which suits the game. Some of the worlds especially smooth sherbert look beautiful. The only problem it had was a hint of slowdown when things got really hectic. however this was very rare and hardly affected the gameplay. The sound was mostly fine. Some worlds music was better than others but overall it did the job. Sometimes the music can be a bit to cheerful which can get on your nerves. Overall super monkey ball banana blitz is definitely worth a look. It may have some faults and can be annoying sometimes, but it is definitely very fun. Especially the single player