One of the hardest games I've ever played. But it's fun the whole time.
I realy think they should have cut back on the mini-games and have like 10 great mini-games instead of 50 so-so mini-games. Although there are a few gems in the mini-games that I still go back and play to this day (and I bought this game at launch) the majoity of the mini-games aren't worth playing more then once. The single play is absolutly amazing, I realy realy enjoyed it. Except or it being too hard for it's own good, the single player is perfect. Although I didn't actualy beat the game. (I can't beat the last level on the last world.) Due to it being nearly impossible. That aside, I realy realy like this game and I think you should go out and buy it.
good:likable charecters.
a few great mini-games.
Near perfect single-player.
did I say monkeys?
bad:TOO hard!!
Most of the mini-games are trash.
yam-yam is a pointless monkey.(I don't like her)