The Gamecube version was great this is bad and it's a shame
The Wii nunchuck should of been used in the main game it would of made it less confusing. With another add to this game there are boss stages this becomes annoying with bad camera angles which will cause you to fall over the edge.
The mini games are boring and the stupid thing is you cannot pause the game while your playing or you can reset your Wii. Even if your bored of the game you can't leave unless you finish the mini game this is the same in the main mode.
Banana Blitz though is still better then what Super Monkey Ball Adventure had to offer. The game is OK but takes a while getting used to but if you want a good control system stick with the Gamecube version Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2. Since buying this game I have only played it 2 times I wount play it again it's annoying me.