A nice Oasis in a wastland of bad Wii games.

User Rating: 8.7 | Super Paper Mario WII
Well Wii has had a great run so far, aside from the fact that many of the current titles are sub-quality, but Super Paper Mario will deffently supprise you in good ways if your sick of bad Wii games.

As you may have read from the offical review the game is a platformer/RPG, and you've probably noted that it has more "Super Mario" in it than it has "Paper Mario" as this time around its more action based.

The game has solid, well done 2D graphics, though I will add that they could have added more detail to the whole experiance. At times I felt that the world was to "spartan" in its artistic style (though I understand they were going for that look... I just felt that in this day and age with games like Castlevania looking great in 2D that they would've done similar ammounts of pixilated detail). Secondly the 3D aspect of the game is great, and the 2D transilates very well into 3D, again the 3D aspect could have used a bit more detail, and what would have been neat is if the world didn't look like a "path" in 3D mode, but rather looked like a fully 3D world that extended a bit more, but I do understand why they went the way they did.

The gameplay is very solid, and will keep you going for about 19-21 hours (depending on how experianced of a player you are) if your younger and this is one of your first games I'd expect it to last about 21-24+ hours. With that said if your short on cash you'll have to ask if 21 hours of gameplay is worth the $50 you'll need to put down on it.

The only major downside I had with gameplay though was that Mario has a timer on his 2D-3D flip skill, it would have been nice to have had more time to explore the 3D world, and realy soak it up... but with only around 30 seconds to do that its often a rushed experiance.

All in all Super Paper Mario is a great game that diserves the attention of the millions of Mario fans. If you played the NES mario games and want to relive that experiance in an all new way than this is the game for you. Now if only Nintendo would release some solid Wii games that wern't made for Gamecube.