Forget the Scissors and the rock, its all about the PAPER! Definately a classic for some but, it's not for everyone.
- Story interesting and very easy to follow no matter what age. Pretty humerous game sometimes a bit hokey. 3D switching and use of bots or fairies is very useful and helps for solving puzzles. Puzzles can sometimes take a while to figure out but truely is fun. I was annoyed on how many times I had to back track to finish quests, I don't like running back through parts I've already played to do things.
Environment & Immersion: 7/10
- Sometimes too many pixel puzzles and not enough true gameplay. Too many times was I spending more times trying to figure out what the heck to do than actually doing what I was supposed to. It was somewhat hard to REALLY get into the character and story. I've had this game for sometime now and I've yet to actually beat it.
Graphics/Physics: 9/10
- Theres no way I could rate this part low being they integrated the 3d use AND the way the wiimote is used to do things. It's graphics have a certain old-school feel to it which appeals to the classic mario fans. ALSO when you get the enlargement powerup, you turn into a giant 8bit mario or which ever character you might play as.
Sound: 7.5/10
- Great gameplay sound but music or background sound was either almost non-exsistant or somewhat bothersome.
Bugs, Stability & Performance: 9/10
- Not any bug problems or stability problems. As many times as you might have heard it, the camera really does get awkward with the dimension changes.
Replay value: 8/10
- I can keep comeing back to this game playing it time after time, I just have a real problem sitting down playing it for long periods.
Value for money: 6/10
- Being the game is $50, I can't help but say that the price is only worth it for diehard-love-anything-mario fans. I would be content paying $30-$40 but not 50, just because It's a new top of the line console doesn't justify these expensive prices on all games for the certain platform.
Will this game be remembered by old school gamers as a classic after 10 years?:
- I would say to certain people, definately yes. But to others it will only be remember for what it is.
Who would I recommend to buy the game?:
- Diehard-love-anything-mario fans. Great game, but I'd have to list it under the rent it first category.
Overall: 8 - Forget the Scissors and the rock, its all about the PAPER! Definately a classic for some but, it certainly does get repetitive and doesn't own up to other Mario games. This game seems really aimed at kids, but still plenty enjoyable for all ages. Truely awkward camera angles when switching demensions.