Super Paper Mario is a well developed game that some people may find fun, it just wasn't for me.
Super Paper Mario is a well done child friendly title, I just found that it was geared at an audience a little younger than myself. Die hard Mario fans will probably love this game.
Simple but effective controls will have you holding the remote sideways and allow you to jump into the game quite easily. The nunchuck is not used in this game.
There is motion sensing though in the form of nifty little moves you can do while in the air after bouncing off an enemy by wobbling the remote. This is a good way to earn points. There is also other neat things like having to tilt your remote along with the on screen prompt to get a healing item to activate.
Very interesting visual style with alot of stuff you'll remember from the old games...with a Wii twist on it of course. Switching between 3D and 2D also offers some neat visuals and is quite fluent as you will find yourself having to flip quite often to expose that secret path.
There are a lot of puzzles to solve as you try and advance through the game, and many of them are quite challenging. In fact, there is more puzzle solving than arcade action.
While playing through the game there is extra stuff to do like collecting cards for most of the enemies in the game. These cards increase your damage against that foe
All sorts of funny little sidekicks called Pixls. You'll find many of these but some remain largely unused as there a a couple whose use is quite constant. You can point your remote at the screen to have your main pixl examine the area which may reveal something hidden and allow you to progress.
Boss fights are pretty good though not too hard. You may spend a couple of HP figuring out a strategy or weak spot, but once you do it's usually just a couple hits before its over.
You can switch between playable "heroes" to try and overcome obstacles. Each has their advantage such as being able to flip into a 3D plane, an increased jump distance or a powerful fire based attack.
Descent storyline though the presentation got a little trying on my patience. There's quite a bit of dialogue to scroll through and a good portion of it is just nonsensical having nothing to do with the actual plot. There is definitely good humor though, going beyond just making fun of Mario's age and mustache.
In the end, the rpg elements just hindered the game play as you will spend time between chapters restocking items and trying to find how to open the next location. I felt it was more detrimental to the flow of the game than anything else.
There is a bit of replay value in the game in that once you play through once, you have the ability to continue on and explore the world you just played through. I, however, doubt that I will ever pick up this game and play it again.
So this title is a descent game in it's own right, and I'm sure there are many people who will and have enjoyed this title very much. I would just suggest that maybe the older crowd would want to rent it first just to see if it's something they can get in to. The kids, however, are sure to love it.