i love this games humour, fun and enjoyable mood. its a casual game that has simple controls, graphics and sounds.

User Rating: 9 | Super Paper Mario WII
this game is one of the best 1 player games out on the wii. i love its humour and easy way to like the bad guys more than the heroes. the game is lengthy and has some great puzles. but its not a challenging game that will frustrate you. its fairly straight forward and simple but it has a great story line with depth. it is one of those games where you fin ish and then hardly play it again. but while you play it the first time it is very enjoyable and will make you laugh. some bad points are that the dialog boxes seem like they go on for ever. they may be funny but sometimes its just too much and they kill jokes with the length. also the sounds are farly average and arnt really a great point. not like mario galaxy. it has the usual mario tunes. also it does get confusing sometimes when you are changing from 2D to 3D the camera view gets annoying as you are more diagonal and this can get anooying. Overall this game is a deffinate must have for wii owners and i reckon even better than paper mario on the n64. it is deffinatley up there with twilight princess and metroid corruption.