Dissapointing, Rent it

User Rating: 7.5 | Super Paper Mario WII
Super paper Mario, is a very creative and original game. Not many games like it. It has unique perspectives, eg. different dimensions, pixies, etc. It's very challenging and may take some time to beat it. But it has almost no replay value. It also gets boring later on. I expected it to live up the game cube version, but I was really quite dissapointed. I mean, 50 bucks went down the drain. I mean, it's a decent game overall, but not really much action at all. The story board, is way too simple. Also, It has WAYYYYYYYYYYY too much dialogue. Also, a bit more characters could be nice. ONLY FOUR!!! You should save up for games like, Medal of honor heroes 2, Super smash bros brawl, mario kart, etc. It's decent game, but you should just rent it.