Fun, but too long...

User Rating: 6.5 | Super Paper Mario WII
Now, Paper Mario has to be the least expected game for the N64 in 1999, and weirdly, it was a great seller, and the sequel for the Nintendo Gamecube was and even BETTER seller. So the unusualness was brought back in April of 2007. Super Paper Mario was even better now than it was before, however a little boring when there's nothing to do. No, don't get me wrong... it's really fun to play, but just too long. The graphics and gameplay are great on the other hand; Being able to switch from 2-D graphics to 3-D graphics are really interesting since they are usually the only way to move on. The choice between Mario, Peach, Bowser, or Luigi (locked) is great character choice, being able to go 8-bit when you get a blocky star is highly AWESOMEthe funny dialogue is highly addicting, but when you're not doing cool, life-like awesome stuff, it gets pretty boring... and let me tell you... that happens a LOT when I buy a game, that is NOT what I want to put up with, that's my only beef, but... it's a BIG beef.