Overall, Super Paper Mario is an amazing game with few bad elements. A must buy for Wii owners!
The controls are very good. It is easy to move around and fight enemies. The control scheme works well for the game. Occasionally, attacking or bringing up the short menu doesn't work, but it is the players fault, not the game.
This game has great visuals. Everything is bright and colorful, and is very well designed. When you flip to 3D, the graphics aren't as good, but that is really the only graphical issue.
The music is quite good in this game. A lot is remixed versions of old Mario songs. However, none of the music is something that you would remember the next day, so basically it is easily forgettable. The noise that plays while you read text can be annoying to new players, but is nothing new to players who played old Paper Mario's.
There is a lot to do in the game, even after you beat the main game. A total of 8 chapters, with 4 sub-chapters in each. Then, there is the pit of 100 trials, getting all the recipes and enemy cards, collecting all the maps, and much more!
Overall, a great game than any Mario fan should get. Even if you aren't a fan of Mario and own a Wii, you should definitely get this game. With very few setbacks, this game ranks at the top of the list for Wii games!