It's easy in the beginning, but quite hard by the end.
User Rating: 8.6 | Super Paper Mario WII
Super Paper Mario would make a great rental because you can probably beat it in under 15 hours. I myself rented it and loved it. I made it all the way to the second to last level before giving up due to the difficulty eventually exceding my ability. The story is incredibly well told and surpirsing deep for a Nintendo game. I only wish that I could have seen the rest of it. Some reviewers said that there was too much reading of text, but I thought that it served as a great way to unwind from the action. The art syle is incredible in 2D, but bland in 3D. Yes, you can swap between 2D and 3D. The sound is presented in midi style even though the hardware now allows for ochestrated music. I would reccomend this game as a rental, but only buy it if you're a die-hard fan of all Mario games.