Mario gets kidnapped, so guess who has to save the day!! NO, not Luigi, not Toad, PRINCESS PEACH; AWESOME!!
~Gameplay - Super princess peach isn't your typical Mario adventure. First princess peach possess some pretty sweet powers that are based around stereotypical womanly emotions. Personally, I find it hilarious that peach's powers stem from how she is currently feeling. I know that all those feminist lesbians out there will take offense to these womanly stereotypes; to which I say shut up and go bake a pie or something!! I'm just kidding; was it a low blow to women, not really because without these powers peach would just be a helplessly boring character with no abilities. The hardest part to understand of this game is that in previous iterations, peach is the person that is being saved. So how in the hell is it that she can randomly acquire this umbrella that she uses and gain magical powers strong enough to not only defeat bowers but rescue the same guys that have defeated bowers for so many generations. The point being that the gameplay is fun and just as awesome as any previous Mario game minus the special abilities like growing in size or being able to fly. Peach has her own abilities like gliding in the air after a jump or being able to use her umbrella like a sail boat, but nothing that truly matches Mario's arsenal. As I stated before, this is the biggest let down; the fact that the developers couldn't come up with something more interesting than peach's different emotions. The gameplay mechanics are solid and fun, but nothing amazing like introducing Yoshi, or being able to fly with the cape. It sad to because I think they really could have done a lot with peach; but they opted to go the easy way out. Other than this the structure of the game as well as the environments are all decent again nothing amazing.
~Graphics - Graphically, this game has the most style out of any Mario handheld ever created. Just look at the art style and tell me if you have ever seen any Mario game look that different. I'm glad that they went with a unique style, because this really sets Super Princess Peach apart from being just another Mario spin-off. Overall, I think they did a great job creating a new unique style for peach.
~Sound - The sound effects and music in Super Princess Peach is decent but nothing special. Which to me is a huge let down seeing how awesome other Mario games music has been. To me, it seems like they didn't even try to create something new for peach. All the music sounds generic and doesn't really present anything memorable; again another let down.
~Conclusion - Basically, this game is a watered down Mario game with worst gameplay and generic music. Which may seem bad but then again we are comparing this game to some of the greatest games ever created. The bottom line is this game is unique enough to be considered in its own merit the only problem is when you take it out of the Mario realm it becomes another generic platformer. With the Mario touch; it becomes a lot better and worth it, but only to the hardcore Nintendo fans. So all those suckers that bought Luigi's Mansion come on and spend more money on a decent game that would normally tank without the Mario tag. P.S I bought Luigi's Mansion for the same reason I bought Super Princess Peach. I have a blood oath with Nintendo which states that I have to buy any game that even mentions Mario's presences.