A fun little DS game that anyone can enjoy.
This game is pretty straight-forward. Jump here, jump there. Players are rewarded for exploring each level thoroughly with secret puzzle pieces and musical scores that can be accessed as distractions from the main game. All the mini games and extras feel tacked on and aren't particularly fun. They seem to be just there for the heck of it.
The main game is fun, though a bit lacking in the challenge department. Anyone with a background in Mario games will breeze through this one with no real difficulty. With a refillable energy bar taking place of standard mushrooms and other power-ups that you lose when getting hit, it seems unlikely that you with find yourself in danger of dying unless you have Shaq-sized thumbs and can't maneuver the D-Pad. Boss fights consist of finding weaknesses, which may be the most challenge you will face, and hitting that spot until you win. Nothing new or particularly difficult there. The pre-boss levels that require you to guide Peach through obstacles just doesn't seem to fit and feels gimmicky.
The enjoyment for me came with exploiting Peach's PMS powers. I am a bit surprised that none of the ladies are upset that Peach gets her strength from going into sudden rage, crying, and unexplainable joy. Is Peach going through a "life change?" Her power system seems a little sexist to me, though I found it hilarious. Will Mario have a boner power-up in his next game? The ability to do pogo jumps by bouncing on his pelvis?
All in all, Super Peach is a fun game for fans of the series and newbs alike. It just isn't very challenging and that kills any replay value. It's like beating up the retarded kid at school. Sure, it's fun for a while but then it's like "what's the point?" You'll want to move on to something else in a week. I don't know that it's worth the $35 price of admission...though definitely a rental.