An game that was unexpected to be so incredible. It has enough to be ranked as the 2nd best rpg for the DS system.

User Rating: 9.5 | Mugen no Frontier: Super Robot Taisen OG Saga DS
To tell the truth, i was quite surprised when i picked up Super robot taisen OG saga. First i was greeted by a story about the endless frontier and a cool midwest music. Then getting into the game... its much better than what i expected, full of action and fun. Recently i was dissapointed with DS rpgs due to Valkyrie Profile: covenant of the plume has failed to amaze me like the original, and i was indiferent about this one... but when i started playing super robot taisen OG saga... oh god, trust me, you won`t put it down after you start playing it.

Due to my own laziness, it will be more of a quick-review than a full one, but all you need to know this has:
Great music, voice-acting, combat system is amazing, story is confusing, but actually is great when you start to catch out the things...

Oh, and it has what everyone wants:


So yeah, get this game if you have the chance. You wont regret it.