An RPG mixed to platform, an incredible job for what regards the battles but a little plain for an RPG. Overall v. good!

User Rating: 8.5 | Mugen no Frontier: Super Robot Taisen OG Saga DS
Obviouly I write as a fan of anime and manga based games, so my opinion couldn' t be different. Well done sprites with splendid animations. All the battle graphics result great remembering the limits of the DS, and the attacs of each character are various and sometimes even funny! You can also personalize the attak of each charcter in relation of the enemy to win. The greatest feature is undoubtly the overdrive attacks in whic is included the manga animation of the character.

The story is a bit confused, I admit it, but I understanded the main points. The world map where you move seems poor, certantly more could be done in this field. The sprite in the map is to little and undetailled. This seems the main problems of this game.

Anyway a great job, a splendid game that I really raccomand you!