I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw my light gun packedged in its box from some user on the well known ebay site. Teared it open, careful not to damage its wonder ful box and took it out and played it...I was expecting it to be have slow reception, crappy cusor, and just plain wierd. But I bought it and If this was a test, I would've got 0\100. I WAS WRONG! Ok, lets get on the review, and you'll figure out why I got 0 on the test...
Lets get this aside first. Theres a little box that you place on top of your tv and plug it in the second slocket of controller. The Light gun takes no wires what so ever which is what I love, I can wail the thing around as much as I like, take it to the bathroom with me (not that I now of) and there would be no wire dangling around. When your playing a game it acts great, the box ontop of the tv will take in every shot you fire. Nintendo did a great job with this. 10\10
Comfortable feelness
As much as I love the bazooka shaped gun they couldve made a better shoulder pad, atleast with some soft pads. When you play for mabey ten minutes your arm gets tired and should starts to ache, which means you have to switch shoulders and arm which isn't a big deal but it takes getting used to. 8.5
Now for people who don't know the light gun takes 6 batteries which go out in 4 hours. So you better get a charger. Super Scope 6
Not much to say except that its a bunch of minigames crunched in a game which I must say, some of them are fun, someof them are dumb. Theres a total of 6 games and are broken into to 2 catagories. The Blasters, and the Lazers. Sorry I didn't do much more of the review on the game but meh.- 9\10