Now this game you guys gotta get because its the most awesome game for the wii XD. You can pick up to 35 (or 36 not sure) characters in this game. There like no end to it, its just that fun. There is a crap load of stages, about 41 to brawl in. Also there is the stage builder thingy and its amazing!!! With 3 different backrounds and like 15 something parts for your stage. You can make it on a small, normal, or large stage. You also name it and put a song from the game on top (any song that you have unlocked). Now theres the story mode which is really fun. But, much funnier if you have a friend to play with. The cut scenes in the story mode is awesome. And it takes a couple of hours just to beat the story. Also theres missions *but no that much like melee* And you can do missions with another person. Even break the targets, home run contest, multi man, boss battle, and even All star can be down with another person. But, no classic. Another fun thing is playing online. Its fun to play with friends and you can also chat to them *4 messages per battle*. If u only have 2 friends your battling you can add another player. But, the bad thing is you cant play custom stages but, still awesome multiplayer. You can also play home run contest and multi man with your friends. If you dont have any friends to play with you can play with anyone but, you cant play with a friend and you cant chat, so playing with friends is way better. Last thing i have to say about this game is THIS GAME SHOULD DESERVE A TEN GAMESPOT BECAUSE THIS GAME KICKS ASS!!!!
Perhaps the most anticipated of all Wii games, Super Smash Brothers Brawl launches onto Nintendo Wii with a bang. The premise is simple, dozens and dozens of Nintendo franchises clashing together in a once in a lifetime ... Read Full Review
Pros + Fantastic presentation + Local multiplayer that is a welcome addition to any Wii owners household + 30-plus character roster + 3rd party characters enter the fight + Good looking cut scenes + This game ... Read Full Review