I think brawl is a great game for everyone to enjoy
User Rating: 9.5 | Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII
To begin, the roster on this game is absolutely incredible. It's pretty hard to believe that Nintendo did such a good job at creating such a perfect well balanced roster. It's really nice to see 3rd party characters in the game as well. Such as Sonic, and Solid Snake, and they both play great. On another note, the graphics are superb for a Wii game. Great animations, and beautiful environment makes it one of the better looking games for the Wii right now. Theirs also a new single player mode, The Subspace Emissary. A side scrolling story mode, required to unlock all the characters, you can expect to complete Subspace in about 6-8 hours of play. The fighting system is just perfect. Its simple, so it can appeal to the casual gamer, and its deep, for those hardcore gamers out there. Online play is also a plus, only the fact that it can be a bit laggy can be annoying, but that's not really a problem. Overall, for all Wii owners, Smash Bros Brawl is a must have, and can be enjoyed by everyone.