If you don't like this game go to a doctor something is wrong with you! PLAY IT LOVE IT!

User Rating: 10 | Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII
The best out of all of the Super Smash Bros series. This game has been out two years and i still love it! Unlike the other ones in the series this one has a story to it (gasps). The story in this game is in the adventure mode called Subspace Emmisary. It is an awesome story. The mechanics of the game are really nice and easy to learn. There is also different challenges to do it takes forever to do them all! The graphics in this game are fantastic all the characters look like awesome and the stages and the backgrounds are a sight to see. Like the other SSB games there are tons of unlockable characters to get and also unlockable stages that I am not naming ( you think I would tell you what they are ha)! There is a ton to do on this game do adventure mode, try to do all the challenges, or just fight for the heck of it. This is an awesome game I would reccomend it to anyone. Vinash signing off with my awesome motto: