complete... MASTERPIECE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. some of the characters from melee aren't there like pichu(might of died from too much fights)
2. custom stages can't be used online.
3. more backgrounds could of been put in the stage creator.
but there are millions of good things in this game which completley cover these up.
There are many interesting new characters like meta knight,pit and even sonic and snake!!!!!!!!!
about 90% of the stages in the game have many hazards in and are even interactable and some of the stages of melee are in too!
The graphics are absolutley amazing and are maybe even the best graphics on the wii so far.
The sound makes this game good too because it has many awesome songs in and also has many originals and remixes of songs from other games too!
The subspace emissary is the adventure mode on the game and it has awesome cutscenes in and has a proper storyline(which you can save too!)
and the list goes on...
overall: with a stage creator, online play, a proper story mode and much more... if you have a wii... GET THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!