One of the most incredible and addicting games I've ever played.

User Rating: 10 | Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII
Like many other positive reviews about Super Smash Brothers Brawl, I will agree that this game is unambiguously one of the greatest and most popular creations concocted for the Wii. Think about it: Why not just take characters from classic Nintendo series such as Super Mario Bros., the Legend of Zelda, Kirby, etc, put them into a cleverly-designed arena, and let them kick the you-know-what out of each other in complete and utter chaos? The idea seems so simple, yet, with all the different fighting techniques of the thirty-five characters it's not easy nor difficult - it's addicting and just plain fun. A portion of the game that adds to this excitement is the Subspace Emissary. This side-scrolling adventure features all of the characters teaming up to stop a very powerful Tabuu from controlling the Brawl universe. To be honest, the SSE is an awesome experience that truly makes a game like this so epic. The mind-blowing diversity of the character roster, the long and very enjoyable adventure mode, and the overall concept of fighting in some of the most amazing graphics all combine to make Super Smash Brothers Brawl an incredible game that can't be missed by Wii owners.