If your shifting whether or not to buy this game, This is the review for you!

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII
Characters: the characters in this game are the main thing, because you'll always find a different character to use. melee had character doubles for example mario and dr. mario, pikachu and pichu, link and young link. in brawl they have taken those characters out of the game, though put toon link iin the game. Toon link is a double yet they put him in the game, maybe for those ds zelda players? who knows. there are many newcomers to the game including Sonic the Hedghog and Snake form Metal Gear Solid, the only Non-Nintendo character.
In bawl there are many stages to choose from, my personal favorite new pork city is a very large stage that has great graphics. There are many great looking, very fun stages to choose from. There is even a pictochat stage from ds, which the stage is drawn and rubbed out by the stylus. many melee stages are in the game. One for each character, except of course sonic and snake.
The Subspace Emissary:
A new edition to the game, Story mode. The story line, which i can't give away, lets you play with every character in the game at least once, it gives you an option of wich character you want as your main, This well definitley change very often. My first main was Metaknight (a newcomer), Then after i completed the subspace emissary, Sonic the hedgehog was my main, Then after using him game after game after game i wanted a new main, someone with a sword, again, so i chose link, but then I unlocked toon link, and thought, why not?.
The wifi in this game is good, though while playing wifi i received allot of lag, even when playing my local friends, so the wifi isn't as good as mario kart wii's. When playing online you are given two options, play with anyone or with friends, when playing with anyone you may only play 2 minute KO tests, though when with friends you can change what mode, what time, what items and what stages. You may also spectate on online games to bet your coins, you take a look at either the teams or the players, and make your bet, you then watch the game and find out who won and double your coins.