Super Smash Bros. Brawl is without a doubt one of the finest games I have ever played and one of my favorites.

User Rating: 10 | Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII
There's only one word to truly describe Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Phenomenal. Everything about this game is perfect, it's game-play, its replay value, its graphics, even its story mode! This game is beyond compare and only a few select games exceed it.
Super Smash Bros, for anyone who hasn't played it, is a fast paced fighting game that blends the worlds of Nintendo's greatest mascots; however for the most recent installment into the series, Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog and Konami's Solid Snake have joined the brawl!
The gameplay for this title is relatively simplistic, tap the A button to kick butt with powerful melee and smash attacks or the B button to kick butt with three different special moves, each character has different moves. The only issues with characters are Nintendo, once again, decided to give us a large sum of clone characters.
The story In SSBB, being that it is a fighting, is surprisingly long and complex. The average player should beat it in 10-15 hours. Basically, the story involves the evil Taboo attempting to take over the world using some bombs that mess with dimensions. Throughout your adventure all of the Nintendo mascots come together to defeat taboo and once again restore peace to the world.
Another feature of the game is the number of characters and stages in the game. The game contains 35 playable characters and 41 stages, each stage is also based off of an environment from a Nintendo game. There is also an astounding number of items in the game ranging from baseball bats to bombs. There are also different pokeballs and assist trophies which increase the number of different items in the game.
Besides the main game, you can also collect trophies and stickers to learn more about the Characters and their games. This may be a minor addition to the game, but it goes a long way and the amount of time you spend playing this game will skyrocket in an attempt to collect them all.
The only problem that I found with this game was the slow loading times and slow down of online play. Although the online play is fun and works well, the loading times it takes to find players is extremely long and sometimes, because you are running on four servers, the gameplay runs very slow.
All and all this is one of the best games ever. Period. Go out and by this game if you enjoy having any fun at all and make sure to bring along three people because when you have four people duking it out, you can't get much better. And remember, this is the only game where Ganondorf will actually beat Link.