OMG!!! This is the best 3D fighting game I have played in a very long time. It's killer man.

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII
Where to start, where to start. Okay, I know. Let's start with ...
the graphics: First of all the graphics are solid, amazing and spectacular. Every single character dorky as they may be ( i.e.: donkey kong, bowser, diddy kong), look great. The animations for the final smashes, stages, attacks, and characters, are top tier. I would have to say, no wii game comes even close to the great graphics, not even mario kart.

Moving on, next up is the story: the regular story mode by itself in the first game is kinda boring after a while, but nintendo fixed that up really wisely by adding the subspace emmisarry. It's long, enjoyable and fun, and has just the perfect length and difficulty for a great game.

But now, the real greatness of the game is the multiplayer. It is a great game for party's since it's a game 90% of the world loves, and if you've never played the game before, its really easy to catch on.

Man, I gotta wrap this up since I have to get off the computer now, but everything about the game is great including things I didn't mention like the characters, the 4 different controller types and the most amazing of them all...

the huge variety, so you never get tired of playing the same game over and over again.