This is a great game, although it does get old. With a variety of different characters you will spend the day on it.
User Rating: 9 | Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII
Super Smash Brothers Brawl is a very good game. At first you will be addicted to it. You will be switching through the characters rapidly, trying to play each one in the shortest amount of time. It has a large variety of different characters, items, maps, and trophies to collect. If you have friends or siblings with you, you will spend at least an hour playing brawls with different characters. However Brawls and the Endless Enemy Battles are by far the best part of the game. The adventure mode, or Subspace Emissary, is by far a letdown. I personally found it rather boring, to the point that I stopped playing the game for a while. Also after a while the simplistic game play gets old after a while. Another problem is that the game tends to be hectic to the point were you lose track of your character.
In conclusion, this is a great game if you have people if you have people to play with, and if you don't you can always play with the CPU. While it lasts you will definitely love this game.