This game is amazing and it is new to me every time i play it. It is very very fun.

User Rating: 10 | Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII
The game has new characters, stages, new stuff like to trip, bump to walls, and jump on people. The best thing about this game is the FINAL SMASH. In this game there are alot of new items like the Final smash ball, the smart bombs, etc. This game improved its grahics. You can see the difference by looking in the movies. The one that i like about this game is the glithces, i just don't know why. I gave this game a ten because i really liked it. The game has alot of stuff to do and make your own stages.

The game has alot of characters. There is a total of 35 characters, but i heard you can get more. This game left 4 characters from melee. Roy, mewtwo, young link, and pichu, but there is alot of new characters that will cover for those 4 charcters.

If you didn't buy this game yet, go and buy the game.