A must have for any wii collection.
Story: its good taking into consideration that there are no voice overs but there's not that much to it and personally i'm glad that theirs not. basically its just a bunch of bad guys trying to make people into trophies and collecting them. and ya your not the only person that finds that weird
Game play: magnificent!!! each character has their own move set (with the exception of some characters) and the game game play never gets old
Controls: there are 4 different ways to play it, with a wii mote, with a wii mote and a nun chuck, with a wii classic controller, and with a game cube controller and all of them work.
Replay value: There is 2 player online and offline and you can collect trophies but collecting trophies is not really worth it in my opinion
The Verdict: exactly what my review deck said
Graphics - 9.0
Story - 8.0
Gameplay - 10
Controls - 9.5
Replay value - 9.0