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User Rating: 9.5 | Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII
If you have a Wii, why aren't you playing this right now. It combines famous characters from classic franchises like no other fighting game on the market. There is so much to unlock in SSBB, it's insane. And once you're done with the single player, there are nearly infinite hours of fun to be had just brawling with your friends locally or over wi-fi. Why are you still reading this when you could be playing the best the Wii has to offer?! Easily my favorite off-line game I currently own. Wi-fi can be laggy sometimes, but that is nothing compared to all the content in this game. But I was using a PC wi-fi connector on a slow computer. One more problem with this game: no CD-i Link. That would have been the icing on the cake! If you have ever been a fan of a Nintendo series, you need to at least try this game.Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go play Brawl! LAWL!