The best fighting game i played in my life. Read this review will unlock 5 songs, 10 stages and your eyes.
Graphics 10/10
I never care about graphics (a that is why i have a wii), but in this game they just to excelent, to perfect. Lots of characters that i loved thought mi 10 years as a videogamer, now revive in neat 3D graphics.
Gameplay 9/10
Superb gameplay, but there are some flaws like missions have not retry buttons, and the Coin Luncher is so ADICTIVE that you are going to lost all your coins.
Music 10/10
Best music of a game, EVER! Great remixes and covers from the greatests games of the story, like Zelda, Sonic and Metal Gear Solid, in one game!.
More, there even is a song that have like 30 NES songs in one. It´s remind me of the NES Clasiccs i buyied for my DS. And you can choose how many posibilities of appearing have each song.
Replay Value 00(infinite)/10
This is the special from my review. I haved both SSB and SSBM but i never played them a lot because nobody had a N64 and a GC, but this is totally diferent because everybody have a Wii, i repeat, everybody have a Wii and me and my friends exchange screenshots, videos, stages we build with stage builder, tips, secrets, etc. What is more, after you finish all 40 events in 3 difficults, you can try to defeats your friends records. And with WI-FI, you can play with your friend even when they are in vacatios!!
Graphics 10
Music 10
Gameplay 9
Replay value 10
Overall: 9.7
Revew by a 13 years old boy, who own a Wii, a DS, a Playstation1 (10 years old) and a PC.